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JUNE 24 - 27, 2009


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President's Message


As I head off to yet another conference, I ask myself one question. Why? Why am I running out the door to another educational seminar, class, meeting? The answer is simple, really. YOU!


Each and every one of you. Everyone involved in the volunteer emergency services knows how important your role in your community is. I know sometimes you have to wonder to yourself if it's worth it - c'mon, admit it, you have, at least one time questioned why you continue to do what you do.


I'm sure that on several of those occasions you've said to yourself if not me, who then? Then thought someone else, surely? You don't do it for the glory (glory, right….). I know you don't do it for the 0200 public assist - you know the one I'm talking about, grandpa fell out of bed and needs a hand getting back in.


You do it because you care. You care about your community and those in it. You train because when someone dials 911, you want to show up prepared and give them the best of you that you can.


That's why I do this job. For you - you are all my community. My fellow board members and I care about you. We care about what's going in your communities, emergency services and the Oregon Fire Service as a whole. We devote countless hours, just like you, to our communities and even more to look out for what is right for the volunteer emergency providers in the state of Oregon.


In the six plus years I've been on the OVFA Board I've seen huge changes to what we do. It used to just be preparing for the annual conference, which is a HUGE endeavor. We sold raffle tickets for rifles, a camaro and a mustang to raise funds to be able to fund different areas.


We did the unthinkable and resorted to telemarketing to raise funds to benefit the volunteers of this state. Because of that we've been able to provide 24-hour accidental death and dismemberment insurance to all members of OVFA. We've been able to increase educational funding from the $1,000 Bob Sheppherd Scholarship to $12,000 in book, member and family member educational grants. We've been able to obtain some strong lobbying to get volunteers state tax credits and we continue to work to improve those credits.  We've been able to establish training and equipment grants to help our members obtain the necessary training and supplies to do what they do best - help their communities and stay safe doing it!


I am thrilled that you put your trust in me to lead this organization for the next year. My only wish is that I don't let you down. I know with your input and the hard work of the current board that you all will keep me on my toes, in line and up to your standards!


Tina Greiner, President

Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association

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